Architectural rendering of Frogtown Crossroads
Architectural rendering of Frogtown Crossroads
The Frogtown neighborhood has long been home for NDC, and we have worked diligently to foster businesses that will grow the local economy, create jobs, and increase income levels.
This project will provide the new home for NDC’s offices, a training center, retail incubator space for neighborhood entrepreneurs, and family affordable housing (managed by Wellington Management). The housing component will occupy much of the top three floors of the building. The commercial portion, to be developed and owned by NDC, will occupy the first floor (retail/food businesses) and a “stacked” two or three floor space on the east end of the building for NDC’s training center and offices.
We’d like to thank the following for making this project possible:
Anthony Family Foundation
BV Studios
Capital Region Watershed District
City of Saint Paul – Department of Planning and Economic Development
City of Saint Paul – Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Collage Architects
Data Recognition Corp
F.R. Bigelow Foundation
First American Title
Fredrikson & Byron
Greater Minnesota Housing Fund
Hardenbergh Foundation
Hubbard Broadcasting FoundationMairs & Power
McKnight Foundation
Metropolitan Council
Midwest Minnesota Community Development Corporation
MN Department of Employment and Economic DevelopmentNorthMarq
Northwest Area Foundation
Nova Group
Ramsey County
Saint Paul Foundation
Securian Financial Foundation
Seitu Jones Studio
Sunrise Banks
Tradition Bank
Travelers Foundation
Trillium Family Foundation
US Bank
US Bank Foundation
Wellington Management
Wells Fargo Foundation